♥ welcome & aloha ♥

I am Sabine.


I am here to guide you back into your inner world, find there the answers to your questions, unfold your true nature, life your potential and find the magic of your life (again).


Are you ready


♥ to start remembering again (e.g. who you are, why you are here),

♥ to un-learn everything and anything you were told you´d be and could not do,

♥ discover your true power, your soul potential and life from your heart,

♥ work with your life energy to increase your well-being and well-feeling,

♥ empower yourself and live the life of your dreams?!


You have got everything you need for this life within you. But oftentimes, you
can´t find or hear the answers because of some hindering beliefs you have grown up with.


The angels and I are happy to hold the space for you and support you on your unique soul journey:

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

Carl Gustav Jung

Note from the angels & Sabine:

Live your authentic self

You are here on Earth at this pivotal time for a reason. And it is time to remember who you are, why you are here and what you came here to do.


Maybe you have also felt different since you were a child and didn´t know why. Maybe way back then, you had known why you came here and maybe you remembered some of your unique gifts and talents like daydreaming and talking to angels and fairies. But then school started and you had to stop dreaming and learn to adapt to and do what other people expected from you. Thus, your journey into forgetting gradually began...


The good news is that forgetting means you once knew it and that you can remember the answers to those questions again!