
Signs of being an OLD SOUL ♥

Have you ever wondered if you are an old soul? Don´t try to overthink or overanalyse this question. But rather tune into your feeling, your heart, your inner knowing. Do you have the feeling you have been here on Earth not only for the first time, but you have lived many life-times here?


Let me tell you a little bit about my story. Maybe it will help you remember on a soul level.


I grew up in the 1970ies. As a child, I spent a lot of time with my beloved wise granny. We often talked about spirituality – oh, how I loved these conversations! Once she told me that there were more things in life than we can see with our physical eyes. I remember that it frightened me a little bit at that time. But by gradually becoming more conscious that changed. 😉


At my granny´s place some memories of my past lives got activated. So, I remembered for examples that sound can heal, and that one day science would prove that. I also got the knowing that you can heal with your mind and hands.


Since I was a child, there were also some place and people I have felt drawn to without having been there in this life-time, for example Hawaii, the Indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australia, New Zealand and the Celts.


When I had my first English lesson at school, I felt a strong connection to the language and to the UK. Ever since that time I have loved it.

I´ve enjoyed going on holidays to England and Scotland. In 1992 and in 2002, I visited some places in Scotland that felt very familiar to me. I knew that I had been there in a past life. One of them was Torosay Castle (Isle of Mull) that you can see in the picture below:

The same has happened with some people I´ve met for the first time (it does not matter whether the meeting has taken place in person or online),
i.e. I instinctively knew them on a soul level.


Maybe you have experienced something similar.



To sum it up, to me, an old soul may have the following traits resp. is someone who


has experienced many life-times here on Earth and has grown on a soul level (maybe that is why some of us are highly-sensitive …)


feels deeply and often feels different, like an outsider who is not understood by most people


feels like a rebel against society rules that make no sense to them (e.g. Why should you do something just because it has always been done that way?)


has a strong feeling for justice


looks for truth, wisdom, is interested in the mystics of life and feels connected to indigenous people


is wise beyond years


has a deep intuition, well-developed clairvoyant senses (they might get blocked due to growing up / outer circumstances)


has an innate knowing (concerning wisdom, manifesting skills, places, people)


has an empathic nature


loves mother nature and cares about her


needs time for themselves to recharge the batteries


loves (day)dreaming and to whom the inner world matters more than the outer world


has kept their childlike heart and way of seeing the wonder of the world and the magic (sometimes the childlike heart needs to be opened and rediscovered again)


knows that there exist more than the physical eyes can see and who loves to connect with the spiritual world like angels, ascended masters, fairies, and so on = has deep connection with the divine


wants to be free and live an live an authentic life according to their divine, loving nature


knows that on a soul level we are all one and come from divine love


and therefore wants to make the world a better, loving place.

Aloha ♥