
5 amazing benefits that make you daydream

Do you remember how easy it was to daydream and drift into your own inner world when you were a child? Wasn´t that wonderful? ♥


Somewhere on the way of becoming an adult, you probably ...

... stopped doing that. Maybe you were told not to daydream, that your dreams weren´t real and that only that which you can see exists. (By the way, Dr Joe Dispenza wrote in his book “Becoming Supernatural” that our world is made up of 99,99% empty space according to scientists.)


So, whenever you want to change something in your life, I´d like to invite you to give yourself the permission and start daydreaming again. For example, instead of complaining or acknowledging “The day is so grey and I don´t like it.”, say “What if the day was sunny? How would I feel?” Then remember a day you enjoyed the sun or maybe you find a picture of a sunny holiday. Focus on that what you want to experience. Notice how your energy and your emotions change.


There may be times when you can hardly get out of a negative mood. That´s okay, just remember that this will pass, too. Be patient with yourself, comfort yourself and ask your angels for help. You know, you can always ask them to support you! (They love to help you but can only do so if you invite them.) For example, you can pray, “Thank you, angels, for helping me to focus on the good.” Or “Thank you, angels, for uplifting my spirits.”


Now, let me tell you about the power and amazing benefits of daydreaming:


1. As mentioned above, daydreaming makes you feel better.
When you envision in your mind´s eye something that makes you smile, laugh or that you love or you dream of the wonderful life, that you want to experience, you will immediately feel better. Because energy goes where attentions flows.



“Everything starts with a (day)dream.”
Sabine Potetz



2. It reduces stress and anxiety
By allowing yourself to withdraw from the outside world and focus within and on pleasant things, your mind as well as your body can relax and calm down.


So, allow yourself to make a break. Maybe you´d like to get yourself a cup of tea or coffee, look outside your window and take a few deep breaths. Let your glance soften and your mind wander off to something that makes your heart sing.

“Dream more while you are awake.
Daydreaming creates feel good feelings.”
Author unkown


3. It helps you find (new) solutions

Your brain can perceive only a limited fraction of the energy and information all around you, especially when under stress and / or feeling anxious.


When you daydream, you connect with your heart. There your true self (your soul), your imagination and your feelings, emotions reside. Your heart knows that you and everyone and everything are connected. It perceives more information within a second that the mind can discern.


Thus, daydreaming helps you go beyond the anticipated limits of the mind and connects you with a deeper level of yourself and of life in general.

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act,
but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”

Anatole France



4. Daydreaming enhances your creativity
Daydreaming enhances your visualisation skills and helps you see things from a broader and / or different perspective.


During your day you may mainly use the left hemisphere of your brain, that controls speech, language, science, logic and has a sense of time.


Whereas when you daydream, you mainly use the right hemisphere of your brain that controls imagination, creativity, art, and intuition.


So, you bring both hemispheres of your brain into balance.


“Visualisation is daydreaming with a purpose.”
Bo Bennett



5. You can easier connect with your angels and guides
Your mind might question if angels and spirit guides can be real, because you can hardly see them with your physical eyes. But when you daydream and visualise you meet the angels, you will feel in your heart that they exist. Your heart knows the real truth.


“One who looks outside dreams.
One who looks inside awakens.”
C.G. Jung



May you daydream more often and enjoy the experiences of diving into your own inner world.


In case you want to tap into your soul´s wisdom and need some guidance for journeying within, I´d be honoured to support you:



Aloha ♥

Pictures: Thanks to Pixabay

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General Information: As a human energy worker, I work with you on an energetic level, on an information level (= mental level of thoughts and feelings) and in the area of meridians, chakras and aura. Blocks are released on an energetic level, whereby your energy flows and your physical, mental and spiritual well-being as well as well-being is increased. Energetic measures do not constitute a healing treatment. They are not a substitute for medical diagnoses / treatments by trained psychotherapists or psychologists. All statements and advice are not diagnoses, but represent pure energetic descriptions of the state.