
Rebell at heart ♥

She finally wants to FREE herself
from everything and anything that has restricted her and
kept her small and suppressed.



Far too long she has been well-behaved and well adjusted.
The price had been far too high. ...


Very often she had to bend herself to fit in.
Sometimes, she even had to close her eyes in order not to see
what didn´t match her truth.
Yes, she functioned very well.


But now, she has definitely enough.
Her boundaries have been overstepped too far.

Within her there´s a fire
that longs for expression
and that wants to pave the way into a new time.


This requires courage, determination and
a cool head so as not to act rashly.


She accepts her divine task and
is ready for the next step towards freeing and empowering herself.


Text: © Sabine Potetz

Picture: Pixabay

Aloha ♥