
Protection with Archangel Michael

Energetic cords connect you to everyone and everything that is. Sometimes, these cords can drain your energy. To stop that, you can ask Archangel Michael ...

to cut all cords that are not pure whole and aligned to love. Then say that you reconnect your cords to the highest (5d) timeline (available to you now).


After having done that, you may like to ask Archangel Michael to place his protective light bubble around you:


"Dear Archangel Michael,

thank you for protecting and surrounding me with your light bubbles in the here and now and in all places and dimensions. Thank you that you place a crystalline white light bubble around my being, then a electric blue one and finally a golden one.


Thank you that nothing can penetrate these protective light bubbles that is not pure, whole and aligned to love.


And so it is."

Angelic love & blessings to you!