
How to live a soul-filled life

It is time to bring back the power over your life, which you have often unconsciously relinquished to the others. Stop being a plaything of others and become a conscious director and actor of your unique life!


Remember that although you are having a human experience, you are far more than "just" a human being! You are soul in a human vessel.


Consciously connect with the divine part of you, your soul, again and again every day. A simple way to do this is by affirming "I AM SOUL." throughout your day.


You can also ask the following questions:


"What would SOUL do right now?"


"How would SOUL FEEL right now?"


This will help you to change your perspective and become aware of the deeper layers (calm, peace, etc.) beyond your busy thoughts. ❤️



"Our life is not about fixing ourselves, but integrating our ego persona into soul. We can achieve this by committing to us and to soul."
Lorie Ladd


The affirmation and the questions have often helped me to break free from thought loops, turn within, find peace and confidence.


Maybe you´d like to try it, too.



Would you like support on your journey?


I am happy to be here for you and help you open the doors of your heart softly, become aware of your next steps, find stability WITHIN YOURSELF and strengthen your trust in yourself:


Aloha ♥

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