
About sabine

Being a highly sensitive child in the seventies, blessed with a strong will, some memories of past lives and the vision of the golden age where love prevails, I have always felt somehow different. Due to my intuitive and sensitive nature, I perceived more than others and loved day-dreaming. With my grandmother, who was a kindred spirit, I loved talking about angels and spirituality.


When entering school, I felt I had to close the door to my inner world, because all the things I loved, did not matter there. I learnt to meet the expectations of my family, school and others and follow their rules. The process of forgetting who I was slowly, but steadily, began. Thus, I eventually followed a path that was not mine.


When working in the economy, I did not feel fulfilled. There was something essential missing. Fortunately, the whispers and little nudges of my inner voice got louder and led me to spiritual trainings like Huna and Reiki that I attended in my free time. All of a sudden, I started to open the door to my inner world and began remembering again: my inner light, who I was and why I was here. My own path gradually began to unfold itself and has led me to a purpose-driven life.


It took some years and I had to overcome some challenges, but finally I started my own business as energy worker in 2007. My life has changed so much ever since that time. I moved from living in the city to living in the countryside, where I do what I love doing: helping (sensitive) women remembering, unfolding and acknowledging their innate gifts and potential and follow their calling as well as writing.


My vision is that everybody consciously creates their dream life and lives a soul-led life by living their potential. And together we create the new golden age where love and peace prevail.


My qualifications
As I love learning and as I have attended quite a lot of seminars and workshops up to now, I want to name only the essential ones:

Reiki Master
Certified Huna Practitioner  
Certified Herb Pedagogue
Certified Adult Education Trainer
Certified Intuitive Angel Card Reader by Melanie Beckler
Certified Angel Guide by Kyle Gray

Essentials of Energy Medicine (Donna Eden)
Shamanic Dreaming – Dream the world into being (Dr. Alberto Villoldo)


My innate gifts include my sensitivity, my empathic and intuitive nature and my love for angels, ascended masters, fairies, energy work and words.


May you live your love and your fullest potential and shine your light.

Thank you for co-creating heaven on earth.

Be blessed!



about energy work, spirituality & angels

Energy work


“Everything is energy and that´s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Albert Einstein


Energy work is a set of tools and practices aimed at raising your vibration, enhancing your connecting with your soul / higher self and the divine and helping you manifest your dreams.


My intent is to help you become aware that your thoughts and feelings vibrate on a certain frequency that attracts people, things and circumstances matching this frequency. Thus, when you change and raise your energy, you change your life. And by doing so, you will enhance your well-being, come into the flow of your life and create the life of your dreams.





“Spirituality is a set of practices aimed at facilitating the direct experience of God-Source.” Kyle Gray


Maybe you have heard the calling of your soul or felt the nudges that there is something within you that wants to be rediscovered and lived.


Within you there is a part that has never left God / Source: your soul / your higher self. It knows your soul purpose and all your life experiences from this life and past lives. When you deep dive to knowing yourself on a deeper level, you will also experience the divine, because you are connected to and part of God / Source.





“Angels are beings of love. They are dedicated to the growth and the healing of the planet.” Kyle Gray


You are not alone on your human journey. There are angels, guides and ancestors here with you to help and support you on every single step on your path. But due to your free will, they can only help you when you invite them to do so. If it feels right for you, allow your angels to support you! (You are their purpose. They want you to feel loved and well on all levels.)


Apart from that, I see the angels as a role model for the emerging new human that Celia Fenn calls Luminous Angelic Human / Angelica Luminosa.