Angel Messages

Protection with Archangel Michael
Angel Messages · 2023/11/14
Energetic cords connect you to everyone and everything that is. Sometimes, these cords can drain your energy. To stop that, you can ask Archangel Michael ...

Angel Messages · 2023/09/05
I am the Archangel of angel of healing, travel and of sacred vision. My energy is emerald green. Call on me when you want to ♥ focus your energy, ♥ boost your self-healing power, ♥ balance your masculine and feminine energies, ♥ see and heal a problem / your vision, ♥ improve and harmonise your relationship (with yourself, with others), ♥ awaken and strengthen your spiritual vision, ♥ be protected on your journeys or ♥ whenever you feel you need my support. No matter how small...
Angel Messages · 2023/09/04
Energetic cords connect to you other people and beings, places and situations. Some of these cords can be draining. Therefore, I invite you to connect with me to sever lower vibrational connections and any negative attachments. Know that loving cords always remain. Visualise yourself engulfed in a golden light bubble. Ask me to come to you with my sword of truth and together we cut all lower vibrational cords that are not serving you and that are neither aligned to your highest nor to love. You...
Angel Messages · 2023/08/29
I am here for you, whenever you need me. You can hand over your fears to me. I will help you to see the light again. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to open your heart. Breathe into your heart, feel it beating for you. Believe in your love, in the power of your love. Whenever you need encouragement, imagine me standing behind you. I have your back. You can also envision that I embrace you with my wings and / or wrap you up in my protective electric-blue ball of energy. Trust in yourself! You...
Angel Messages · 2023/07/03
The Angel of Self-love has a message for you about colours. Pink is said to be the colour of the heart, of love. But as you are a unique being, you may need (at some point of your journey) another colour to feel loved. So always follow your intuition, your vision and wrap yourself up in a colour that pops up in your mind. Trust that it will strengthen and support you. And remember, you can call on me any time you need an extra portion of love, inspiration and guidance on how to love yourself...