♥ Services




Intuitive Energy Work

is a holistic method with the aim to support your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.


Intuitive means I invite your and my divine support team to assist us in the session.  We all work together in your energy field to find and clear energetic blockages, in order to bring your life energy back into balance and into free flow and to strengthen your self-healing powers.


To do this, we work on the subtle / energetic level, which includes your thoughts, feelings, aura, chakras, etc.. This level influences the material level, i.e. your body, your physical condition and your everyday reality. (Your inner world creates your outer world).


Are you ready to transform your life, turn within and


use energy work to empower yourself,
   e.g. to set boundaries, clear your energy, strengthen your aura, relax,
live from the heart and follow your inner guidance,
consciously create a life you really?


Then, I am happy to support you to on an energetic level to:

become aware of your energetic blockages and help you clear them

truly be you and live from your heart

increase your confidence and motivation 

increase self-care and self-love

decrease stress and anxiety and trust life

improve well-being, well-feeling and sleep

connect more deeply to (inner & outer) nature and spirit

manifest magic in your life!



Structure of a session:


The session will take place online via Zoom.


Beforehand, I invite the angels to guide and inspire us for (y)our highest good.


At the beginning, I will guide you through an energetic exercise that will help you to arrive calmly in the here and now.  


Then you describe your concerns to me.  


I will then take you on a soul journey. Your own inner images help you to transform an unresolved energetic issue, an energetic blockage, etc. and thus strengthen you from within. Your trust and your willingness to engage with yourself and to address your issue lovingly and openly will be rewarded.  


If you like, I will also be happy to draw you an angel card for your topic.


Discover the magical power of your heart
and let your heart light shine.

♥ Trial Session

1 short session to get acquainted:


I gift you 20 minutes of my time to find out if we want to work together.

♥ Heart Awakening

1 Session:


30 min.: Eur   50,-

60 min.: Eur 100,-

90 min.: Eur 150,-


The appointment is reserved for you as soon as I have received your payment.


The appointment can be cancelled free of charge up to 48 hours in advance.

♥ Heart Magic

3 Sessions:



3 x 60 min.: Eur 293,-


The appointments are reserved for you as soon as I have received your payment.


An appointment can be cancelled free of charge up to 48 hours in advance.

Pictures: Pixabay

Aloha ♥

Write to me briefly about what is important to you and
let's arrange your preferred date(s)!
I am looking forward to seeing you!

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Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

General Information: As a human energy worker, I work with you on an energetic level, on an information level (= mental level of thoughts and feelings) and in the area of meridians, chakras and aura. Blocks are released on an energetic level, whereby your energy flows and your physical, mental and spiritual well-being as well as well-being is increased. Energetic measures do not constitute a healing treatment. They are not a substitute for medical diagnoses / treatments by trained psychotherapists or psychologists. All statements and advice are not diagnoses, but represent pure energetic descriptions of the state.